Digital Unite Technology Guides
Below you will find a collection of learning guides about using modern technology created by Digital Unite, the digital learning experts. The easy-to-use guides are ideal for improving your own confidence and skills or for supporting other learners. Register as a Carer today to access all our services.

Technology Guide Library
If you would benefit from extra help to get online, request support from the Digital Champions Service by calling 0300 028 8888, or emailing

Computer Basics

Email and Skype
It’s estimated that 294 billion emails are sent everyday, and more than 650 million use the internet telephone service ‘Skype’. As intimidating as these numbers are, they are also a testament to the popularity and convenience of these tools.

Microsoft Office: Creating Documents
From cave painting to pen and ink, from typewriters to computers: the latest phase in the history of humanity’s desire to express itself through writing and creating images.

Digital Photography
We’ve used the free digital photography software Windows Live Photo Gallery to demonstrate many of the processes and techniques we explain. However, other types of software are very similar and so, if you don’t have Windows Live Photo Gallery, you’ll still find the information in our guides relevant.

Smartphones and Tablets
Powerful, convenient and multi-purpose, smartphones and tablets are the two key players in the fast-growing world of mobile computers.

Using the Internet
Since it emerged in the 1980s and ’90s, the internet has changed the way that we live our lives. It is exciting and empowering, but also intimidating. It can be hard to know where to start and how to navigate the massive amounts of information on offer.

Social Networking
Social networking allows us to manage and communicate with our contacts in a totally new way and access information as never before.

Hobbies and Interests
When it comes to pursuing our interests, finding information or just having fun, the internet contains spectacular new possibilities.

Internet Security
Just like the real world, the virtual world of the web has a huge and varied population and, inevitably, a number of bad guys reside there. Just as you know to lock your home on leaving it or to keep your bag close to you in a crowd, there are also some simple rules for staying safe online.

Shopping and Banking
Another wonder of the internet is its helpful capacity to make dull tasks quicker and easier to achieve. Banking, shopping and applying for government services can both be done online. There’s endless fun to be had in rootling out bargains and browsing through the enormous range of products in online shops as well as having the convenience of making payments and applying for benefits online.

Music and Audio
One of the most revolutionary changes that the internet has brought with it is to the way we listen to music, the radio and other audio content. Suddenly, almost anything you can think of wanting to hear is a mouse click away.

TV and Video
It’s now possible to watch TV programmes you’ve missed and films you thought you’d never find again – all online. Our guides will tell you how. We also introduce you to the weird and wonderful world of the video website YouTube.
Digital Champion Service
Do you need help to benefit from the Digital world?
The Digital Champion service can support you with 1-1 sessions to help you become more confident using IT equipment and connecting online. We will support you to enjoy all the benefits that the digital world can bring.
You can get help with
setting up and using an email account
browsing the internet
staying safe online
using Zoom or other ways to video call (WhatsApp etc)
using price comparison sites
online shopping
setting up social media accounts
using YouTube
Using an Alexa or similar technology
Downloading apps to your phone or tablet
Support to join online events and virtual support groups
Are you unsure how to join the online and virtual sessions? If you would like to know how to:
download and use zoom to access the online sessions
mute audio and turn of the video
use the chat box
dial in to the session using your telephone only (no wifi or computer needed)
We can help you to practice this prior to the event so that you feel confident to join the session either by phone or tablet/laptop.
Digital champions offer 1-1 sessions remotely over the telephone or via Zoom.
To request support from the Digital Champions Service please call 0300 028 8888
Comments from Carers
"I found talking to a wellbeing worker reassuring and knowing there was help for me if I needed it made me feel better and not alone. All the information has been valuable and has reassured me and put my mind at rest."
Alex, who received support from the carer response line