Donate Today
We rely on voluntary donations to give carers the full support they need, and your generous contribution will help us to ensure that we can continue offering these valuable services. By donating, you help us to walk alongside unpaid carers through the life-changing period of caring for a family or friend, enabling them to improve their quality of life and to be more able to look after their own health and wellbeing. Your donation fuels our commitment to providing comprehensive assistance to carers in West Sussex
How Your Donations Help Carers
Discover the impact of your contributions over the past year in enhancing the lives of Carers in West Sussex. Your donation today ensures we can continue providing the highest quality of support possible.

Contact with Carers
Between April 2023 -April 2024, we directly supported 11,345 carers. ‘Directly supported’ is defined as direct contact by staff
or volunteers by phone, email, remotely or face to face.
Phone Calls supported 8,096 Unique Carers.
Emails supported 5,575 Unique Carers.
Online Chat supported 254 Unique Carers.

Peer to Peer Support
Feedback from attending groups in April 2023-April 2024:
93% said attending helped improve
overall health and wellbeing.
96% said attending helped to reduced
feelings of isolation.
24 monthly groups for carers based within
the community.

Helping With Cost of Living
In the last year between April 2023 - April 2024, through our Carer Equipment Service, 1,420 pieces of equipment were given to 1,078 carers to assist in their caring role, which equated to the value of

Essential Services
1,379 Carer Emergency Cards were issued to carers between April 2023 to April 2024, the Carer Emergency Card provides a level of support during an emergency or accident.
We also conducted 477 Statutory Assessments with carers to ascertain how their caring role affected their life during this time.
Other Ways to Help
There are many ways to help support Carers. Below you will find information on two other funds you can join to make a difference. Along with information on volunteering and our current campagin.
Give as You Live

Give as you Live Online is the free and easy way to raise money for Carers Support - West Sussex when you shop online with 6,000+ stores.
From holidays and travel, to clothing and gifts, you can raise hundreds of pounds from your everyday shopping, all at no extra cost to you.

Gift Your Time and Volunteer
We welcome volunteers from all areas of the community and levels of expertise and skills. The main skill we look for is the ability to listen and have empathy. All our volunteers have an induction into Carers Support West Sussex that covers our vision, values and how we support carers.
Always Here
No matter what the caring circumstance, CSWS offers guidance and practical and emotional support. All work is in support of the vision, which is to bring the day forward when family and friend carers are seen, heard, and included.