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Strategy Aims and Objectives 2021-2025

Throughout 2020 our trustees, employees and volunteers worked hand in hand with carers to review who we are, what we aspire to and what we must do to achieve it. We heard from 1,000 carers, held six carer focus groups and heard from almost 200 other individuals and organisations. Find out more here. Our team also held several organisation-wide strategic development workshops. This is what we agreed together.
Illustration of a house between two open hands

Our Values

Our organisations guiding principles, or values, reflect our commitment to inclusivity, empowerment, and fostering a strong sense of community among all those involved with Carers Support West Sussex.

We are focused, putting Carers at the heart of everything we do.

We act together, working with and for Carers, the communities they live in and the people that can make a difference to them.

We are leaders working with each other to find potential and opportunities across all communities, enabling Carers to be identified and involved.

Our Aims

We know from hearing from and being with Carers everyday what works for them and what doesn’t. Our challenge in being there for Carers when they need us most is to be the charity team of staff and volunteers who can:
Be Connected

Be Connected

We will meet Carers wherever they are in their journey, working individually with at least 4,000 every year to improve their health and wellbeing.

Be The Early Offer

Be The Early Offer

Provide the Carer contact point and increase new carer registrations by a minimum of 10% ii year on year.

Be The Experts in Carers

Be The Experts in Carers

Working with Carers and bringing their voice to communities, partners, and decision makers across the county.

Be Present in The Community

Be Present in The Community

Being there for all Carers across the county, being appropriate, visible, and accessible at local level.

Be Partners

Be Partners

Create tangible partnerships leading to opportunities for and with Carers.

Be Consistent and Creative

Be Consistent and Creative

Create and sustain the capacity we need to deliver consistent and quality services to Carers.