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dementia carer - Register as a carer today

Register as A Carer

Please read the below notices as they hold important information regarding our carer registration process and timings

Select A Carers Registration Form

We have three referral forms to choose from. One for Carers to register as a carer themselves, one for professionals to refer a Carer, and the last one for hospitals to refer a Carer.

I am a Carer

Professional Referrals

Hospital Referrals

Illustration of person in hot air balloon for visibility on registering as a carer

Important Information

Carers Support West Sussex supports people living in West Sussex and caring for a friend or family member. It also supports those people who care for someone who lives in West Sussex, even if they do not.
If neither Carer or person being cared for are residents of West Sussex please visit to find your nearest carer services.

Timing information for registering as a carer with two people sitting on a wall

Information on Timings

We are experiencing the highest demand we have ever seen. However, we are still here to continue to support you as a Carer. Any voicemails identified as concerning or urgent will be dealt with as soon as is possible. All other voicemail messages will be responded to within 5 working days.

Carers who require a Statutory Carer Assessment are usually contacted within 48 hours to confirm they are awaiting allocation, and again by an allocated assessor within 2 weeks to arrange the assessment.

Carers Week Gallery 2024

Please see a small selection of some of the pictures captured. We hope you can join us next year. In the mean time, thank you for all you do as a Carer.