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Billingshurst Carer Group

Billingshurst Carer Group

A carers drop-in hosted and run by volunteer carers, we check in on each other once a month. Join us!

The Six Bells
76 High Street, Billingshurst, RH14 9QS

03 April 2025 12:15 - 13:45

Carers in Billingshurst meet up on the first Thursday of the month at the Six Bells pub from 12:15pm.

We have a cup of tea or coffee and sometimes have professional organisations pop in to give us some information on their services. Most of the time, we have a good catch-up and support each other, as we all have complex caring roles.

This group is open to all carers and if you feel isolated or alone as a carer, please don't hesitate, join us - we look forward to meeting you.