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Carers Week
9th - 15th June 2025

Carers Week is a national campaign to raise awareness of

caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities.

This year the theme is 'Caring About Equality' highlighting the inequalities faced by unpaid carers, including a greater risk of poverty, social isolation, poor mental and physical health. Far too often, carers of all-ages miss out on opportunities in their education, careers, or personal lives, just because of their caring role. Get involved in Carers Week 2025, and together let’s work towards an equal society, where carers are truly valued, recognised and supported.

It is estimated that the 5.7 million unpaid carers save the economy £162 billion a year – the equivalent of a second NHS. Yet, many carers feel their role is forgotten and invisible.

Every year, Carers UK, a national charity which is both a supportive community and a movement for change, lead on the campaign. This year, Carer’s UK and charity supporters decided that ‘Putting carers on the map’ was an apt theme for 2024 in a general election year.

Taking this theme, we organised face to face events at different locations in West Sussex to celebrate the fantastic work carers do. The venues were carefully selected to offer tranquil surrounds doubling up as a time to unwind, relax and take time out.

The value of Carers Week

The impact of Carers Week extends beyond the campaign’s duration. It sparks a long-lasting movement for change, inspiring individuals, communities, and organisations to continue supporting and advocating for carers’ rights. We know that there are 19 million people in the UK who provide unpaid care – but haven’t identified as a carer. People are far more likely to register themselves for support if encouraged by a friend or family member or a health and social care professional. With some people taking up to 1 year to recognise that they are in a caring role.


We would like to thank everyone who is involved in celebrating and supporting carers in our county