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Grants, Funding and Equipment

Carers Support offers resources to improve carers' wellbeing, including a list of low-cost equipment with links. The Carer Health and Wellbeing Grant can support you to purchase items or services to improve or maintain your health and wellbeing. There is a criterion for this fund and more details are below.

Use this page to find out we can support with equipment for the home and wellbeing funds.

Illustration showing group of people of all ages and situations

Equipment for the home

From time-to-time, carers find themselves at a loss as to what would help them in their caring situation, and for some, small items of equipment can make a significant difference. On this page, you will find a list of equipment that may provide a solution for your caring role. 

You can download a copy of the Equipment List here.

Most items are low cost, and you can easily find them by looking at these websites where you will be able to purchase them directly.

If you are interested in applying for the equipment listed on this page or would like further information, please contact us via our helpline or email us.

person sitting with walking stick at bus stop

For other equipment which could help in your caring role, take a look at these suppliers;

Our Community and Health Teams are here to assist you in determining if equipment could benefit you in your caring role. If you need support to purchase the equipment, your eligibility can be assessed through a Carer Assessment.

Wellbeing Funds

Carers now require an assessment to access our wellbeing funds, in which we consider a carer’s own resources, funding and community support that could meet their needs, before establishing if funded support is necessary. This ensures publicly funded monies are allocated to those most in need.

The assessment is completed using the WSCC Adult Social Care database (except for adults caring for children).

Chalk board with images drawn on

Since April 2024, the following criteria applies to wellbeing funding:

  • Carer is 18+ and they are registered with CSWS
  • The cared-for person lives at an address which pays council tax to a West Sussex District Council
  • They are the main carer of the person being cared for
  • They are not in receipt of any payment (other than Carer’s or Attendance Allowance) for their caring duties
  • It is at least 12 months since carer received any previous award from the CHWG
  • Carer has not received a Direct Payment for the same or similar purpose in the last 12 months
  • The carer is unable to meet the need themselves, or via free, community resources.

If you feel that you need some support with your health and wellbeing, please contact our Helpline in the first instance so we can establish how we may be able to help.