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Short film to raise Awareness of Dementia in South Asian Communities

The Alzheimer’s Society say that people from South Asian communities, along with other ethnic minority populations, are expected to see a 600 per cent increase in dementia diagnosed by 2050 compared to 100 per cent in the general UK population.

People of south Asian heritage in the UK are more likely to develop the disease than the general population due to their higher risk of other illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes, that increase the risk of dementia.

Lower levels of awareness

The Joint West Sussex Dementia Strategy 2020-23 highlighted that among our South Asian communities there are lower levels of awareness of dementia and high levels of stigma associated with the disease. People from these communities are under-represented in dementia services and tend to present to services later.

Short film to help raise awareness

West Sussex County Council have worked together with partners across health, social care and the voluntary sector, particularly Alzheimer’s Society and Carers Support West Sussex, to produce this short film with the aim of raising awareness amongst our South Asian communities, helping people know how to recognise the early signs of dementia and to receive a diagnosis. It also provides information about the valuable support that is there for them.

The film includes valuable contributions from local people with the lived experience of dementia.

You can watch the film here

If you are caring with someone with dementia and feel like you would like to find out more about the support available to you, contact Carers Support West Sussex today by phone 0300 028 8888 or email